Hearing Aids Adelaide: Open-Fit Hearing Aids

Open-fit hearing aids Adelaide, or open ear BTE’s, work the same way as other BTE’s but are less susceptible to earwax blockages. They also can often be used with Bluetooth accessories.


These are a more modern alternative to the traditional CIC, ITC and ITE styles of behind-the-ear

hearing aids. They are smaller, softer, and aesthetically more pleasing.


Behind The Ear (BTE)

These devices are designed to fit behind the ear and use a small tube to route sound into your ear canal. They are slightly larger than other styles but still discreet and comfortable and can be matched to most hair colours. They can be used with most hearing loss levels and are ideal for talented people.


This is the world’s most popular hearing aid style and is suitable for almost all types of hearing loss. The case sits behind the ear with a clear tube that connects to a customised ear mould, delivering sound to your ear canal. It is easy to clean and provides more amplification than other styles.


BTE with ear mould hearing aids are also more suitable for children as they can be easily reprogrammed and replace the earmold as they grow. They are more expensive than other styles but provide a more comfortable and convenient experience.


If you’re interested in purchasing a BTE with ear mould, talk to your hearing specialist about which models best suit your needs. Consider your lifestyle, occupation, and budget to ensure you find the right hearing aid for your situation. Also, don’t forget to factor in ongoing service and maintenance costs. Buy quality open-fit hearing aids Adelaide here now!


Receiver In The Canal (RIC)

RIC hearing aids are one of the most popular and versatile styles on the market. They combine the cosmetic appeal of In The Canal hearing aids with the flexibility, sound quality and power of Behind The Ear (BTE) models. The RIC style allows your ear canal to remain open, and certain sounds pass through the ear canal as they would without being amplified, which can feel more natural.


open-fit hearing aids AdelaideThe earpiece sits in your ear canal, but the amplifier and microphone are in a small case that slides behind your ear. This makes RIC devices more discreet than BTE models, and they are available in a range of colours, so you can choose one that fits your hair or skin colour.


Unlike traditional BTEs, RICs feature a microphone that can pick up sounds directly in front of you and to the side, giving them a more natural sound quality. Some of the best RICs can switch between two microphones automatically depending on what you are doing, picking up the sounds around you while blocking background noise.


When choosing a RIC hearing aid from HC Audiology, the size of your ear canal is essential because you need to access the controls for this type of model easily. Also, if you frequently use the phone, you may find this device difficult to use due to its smaller size.


Custom Made

Unlike BTE hearing aids with components looped behind the ear, ITE devices have everything self-contained within a plastic case that fits inside your outer ear. They are available in entire and half-shell options, which can be customised to fit your ear anatomy and hearing loss. Buy quality open-fit hearing aids Adelaide here now!