The Signs Of Bulimia

The symptoms of bulimia may be psychological, physical and even behavioral.

Physical symptoms can include:

-More frequent visits to bathrooms following meals

-Excessive exercising

Skipping meals, bingeing or purging

Dizziness or fainting



Muscle weakening or cramps

The stomach may hurt or cause bleeding.

Constipation or diarrhea

Menstrual cycles that are irregular

Psychological symptoms can include:

Feeling out of control with food

Body dysmorphia or discontent with the appearance of one’s body

Anxiety or depression

Feeling guilt or shame after eating

The behavioral symptoms could include: -Purging via vomiting, laxative or diuretic use restricting food intake or food wrappers -Stopping food or evidence of binge eating -Refraining from eating in social settings in which food is available


Factors that cause Bulimia

There is no one reason for the condition known as bulimia. Instead, it is thought to be caused by a mix of psychological, biological and social influences.

Genetic factors can include an ancestral experience of having eating problems along with chemical imbalances within the brain, which regulate appetite and mood. Psychological causes include self-esteem issues, perfectionist tendencies and the need for control. Social factors include the pressure to look thin, and the exposure of images depicting beautiful body shapes in media.

The various elements can come together to create a situation where someone is more prone to develop the disorder of bulimia. For instance, a person with a family history of eating disorders as well as low self-esteem could become more inclined to suffer from an eating disorder if they are continuously being exposed to pictures of flawless body types in media.

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How to treat Bulimia

You or someone else you’re aware of suffers from the disorder, you must seek treatment as soon as you can. Bulimia is a severe eating disorder that could have permanent consequences for your physical and mental well-being. Through treatment, you will be able to control your thoughts and feelings regarding eating and the body.

There are a variety treatments for people suffering from bulimia however Alsana in St. Louis the majority consist of a combination of medication and counseling. The counseling process can assist you to comprehend how you feel and think regarding eating and your body. It also helps you gain new techniques to deal with stressful situations. The medication can reduce urges or cravings that you experience to indulge in food or purge.

If you’re unsure of where to begin, speak to your physician or mental health expert. They will help you determine the best treatment for you.